Tabletop Radio Hour

Ep. 21 - NPC's



This episode, Steve decided to come back down to Earth to join us Terrans and record a podcast this week! We talk all about NPC’s this week; everything from how to utilize them to our favorite NPC creations. I hope you enjoy. Wish of the Week I GOT A NEW DESK! Damn the Man, Save the Music Kingdom Hearts 3 - Steve Top Secret…Cont. RPG Reflection Steve's GM episodes. Our favorite characters/NPC's we've created and why? Is there a key to making good NPC’s? Should NPC’s be part of the Party? How much detail should you put into an NPC? How do you make NPCs unique? Or should you? How do you keep players from killing off important NPCs too early? Twitter: Email: Website: Patreon: Thank you all for listening, and Keep Rolling 20’s!