Dean Graziosi's Millionaire Success Habits

3 Questions That Will Transform Your Marketing w/ Jesse Eker, Tony Robbins Head of Marketing



Do you know the difference between a bad leader and a great leader? What about the difference between a bad marketer and a great marketer?  As my guest this week says, “Everything in life is holistic. If it works in one place, it works in another.” There are foundational principles that will determine whether you thrive or fall short - as a leader AND a marketer. If you don’t know Jesse Eker you’re in for a real treat. This may be the surprise podcast of the year! Jesse is a seasoned expert in marketing strategy, he’s successfully grown multiple million-dollar brands and is now the Head of Marketing for Tony Robbins. And his wisdom extends far beyond marketing as you’ll discover today.  He grew up in the personal development world (you may know his dad T. Harv Eker, author of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”) but Jesse is no stranger to challenges. He shares an incredibly touching story about his daughter Brooklyn, that moved me to tears.  It’s how he’s transformed those challenges into opportunities that ha