
Episode 107 | Part 2: A gift of money you received



Sign up for full lessons: Describe a time when you received money as a gift from a family member. You should say -when you received the gift -why you received it -what you did with the money -and explain how you felt after receiving the gift On my last birthday, my grandmother surprised me with a generous sum of money as a gift. It was a delightful and unexpected gesture from her, and she explained that she wanted me to use the money in any way I pleased. After receiving the gift, I carefully considered how to utilise the money in a way that would be both meaningful and memorable. I wanted to make sure it would have a lasting impact on my life. Therefore, I decided to invest a portion of the money in my education. I enrolled myself in an online course that I had been eyeing for a while. This course was directly related to my career aspirations, and I knew it would enhance my skills and open up new opportunities for me in the future. Additionally, I decided to allocate