Bumming With Bobcat

BWB Super Bowl XLIX Kickoff Show



Are you ready for the LIVE debut episode of the Bumming with Bobcat Podcast? Bum Wine Bob will be getting you ready for the big game by making sure you are stocked up on all the necessary bum wine party essentials! Heard enough talk about Tom Brady and his deflated balls? There will be no talk about deflated balls here! We are talking bum wine, beers, 40's, malt liquor, and MORE!We will be discussing what can be expected on the show in the coming weeks and well into the future. This is a show that you won't want to miss! Keep up with all the latest news at www.bumwinebob.com!Want to be a part of the show? We would love to have you join us! The phone lines will be open and you are welcome to call in at 347-826-9598 to join in on the discussion. Cheers!