Ne Plus Ultra Podcast

Ne Plus Ultra - Episode 13: When Revolutions Fail



Welcome everyone to the thirteenth episode of Ne Plus Ultra - When Revolutions Fail In our latest narrative episode, we talk about how this year feels like it's putting into place a sequence of events that might change human history forever. We take this time to reflect on a previous time in history, were one country had the opportunity to change, Russia, but instead fell back into its old ways with arguably disastrous historical results. Today, we talk about the history of the 1905 revolution in Russia. We trace the history of Tsarist governments in Russia, the climate of 1905, and cover the epic Russo-Japanese war. This period in time has major elements echoed within our own. So we have to ask ourselves, what can we learn from the 1905 revolution and how can we avoid a 1917 revolution? In this episode we talk about one of the most pivotal moments in 20th century history that almost no one knows about, and cover one of the greatest historical stories that is rarely told. Come and join me if you will a