Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #140: World Domination Dreams



Stiles has a first name! Also, why must it always come back to Nazis? Find out in our recap of Teen Wolf season 6, episode 8, "Blitzkrieg." Featured Song: "Looking Too Closely" by Fink - This episode featured the concept of the occult being used to aide the Nazi party in World War II. - This happens in a lot of fiction. Why? - Scott's new plan to save Stiles is NOT one we expected, but we love Peter's reaction. - So what exactly is a Löwenmensch? We've got some anthropological deets. - Karen appreciates Teen Wolf's magical CGI flames, especially compared to certain other shows. - How did Nazi Mr Douglass actually expect to use or control the Wild Hunt? - Would you rather get shot in the head or fried by the portal? - The Nazis are almost as good at preparing files as the Trump administration. - What on earth is going on with Parrish's "safety tank?" Are we meant to understand this? - Is there gonna be a parental love triangle when Sheriff realizes he never had Claudia? - Is everyone who was taken by th