Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #114 - Grief Beard



Hiatus is over! It's back to the weekly episode recap grind with our discussion of the Teen Wolf 5B premiere, "The Last Chimera." Featured Song: "Blow Up the Outside World" by Soundgarden - The real question: do we still remember how to do this? - Fave quotes are back - just! - How on earth did Theo hook up with the Dread Doctors so young? - If we’re meant to be working this out ahead of the characters… we are failing. - Scott and Stiles have very important, independant relationships with each other’s parents. - So, Scott actually died. - Did he lose his powers? Will he have to go on a quest to get them back? - We told y’all the shower scene had to be a fantasy. But is Parrish’s Lydia actually her spirit, or a projection of his own? - Was the Sciles fight as bad as we expected? - Lydia’s mom has a reaction to the supernatural that we haven’t encountered yet? - How does Theo plan to achieve Void Stiles? Natalie becomes lost for words at how much Theo sucks. - Fenris is Valack, what? What happened there?