Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #100 - CONgratulations



Karen and Natalie are joined by Donya and Kristen to celebrate our 100th episode and to talk about San Diego Comic-Con! Featured Song: "You Talk Too Much" by Frankie Ford -If you want to see our live broadcast, watch here! -We're all in the same room doing this episode!! -We talk about our Comic-Con experience. -Less Teen Wolf news and more personal stories. -What did we get at Comic-Con? -Did we have fun? -Best cosplays? -Did we see any Teen Wolf cosplayers? -What happened at the panel? -Yes, we talk about The Incident. -We also visited the set in a non-official capacity. -We also talk about our favorite panels. -Guys, we're really just happy to be hanging out together. -Thanks to everyone who took a screenshot for us. -We have a bunch of stories to tell about our experience. -We all had a wonderful time. -Once in a while the disembodied voice of Leo shows up. -We're all so tired. Sorry. -What else did we even talk about? -Look. I'm doing these shownotes from memory. -Basically we say bye so I can for