Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #94 - Werewolf Nirvana



Karen and Natalie conclude their character analysis episodes with Derek Hale. Featured Song: "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift -Why is Derek Hale last? Does Karen hate him or something? -We talk about how much we love Derek. -Even though he was an antagonist at first, though not an outright villain. -He probably shouldn't have kept all those secrets from Scott. -He was an amazing lurker, though. -Is it good when he becomes Alpha? -Probably as good as it was when he bit Isaac, Erica, and Boyd. -He definitely gains more respect for Scott in season 2. -Why is he so hellbent on killing the Kanima? -Cora is alive! What a relief for Derek. -This also gives us the opportunity to learn about Paige. -Derek gives up his power to save Cora. -We love Zen Derek. -We're glad he talked to his (dead) mother about his place in the world and Beacon Hills. -He's so much more trusting. -We LOVE his relationship with Chris Argent. -And the fact that he convinced the twins to trust Scott speaks volumes. -Derek basically loses his