Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #92 - Shout-out to Walnuts



Karen and Natalie spend a whole episode answering user-submitted questions about running the podcast and about Teen Wolf itself. Featured Song: "Ask" by The Smiths - This episode is inspired by the concept of a Reddit AMA and our Tumblr's signature "answering asks" posts! - We address who appears on the podcast regularly and why. - Someone wants to know about recording and editing software. - We tackle some canon confirmation questions, like stuff about episode titles and the new library set. - Questions about headcanons, fave fanfiction tropes and fave Teen Wolf parents! - How do we feel about the Danny situation? - Why haven't Stiles and Lydia addressed their kiss? - What would be our dream Teen Wolf interview? - Various questions about what we'd like to see in season 5. - What do we really think of Jeff Davis? - Plus many more user-submitted questions, and there's some non sequitur thrown in there, including favorite type of nut, the MCU and One Direction. What else is new. Hit the comments to give