Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #88 - Closet Romantic



Karen and Natalie celebrate Valentine's day on Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast with a discussion of great moments from many, many, many Teen Wolf couples. Featured Song: "Lovefool" by The Cardigans - A Valentine's Day episode! How romantic! - Here's the deal: we took an extremely long list of major Teen Wolf ships, and one by one, we went through our favorite moments from each particular pairing. - First up, we go through the canon ships - couples who have actually dated in the show. We're talking Scott/Allison, Stiles/Malia, Ethan/Danny, Jackson/Lydia, Chris/Victoria... just to name a few! - Next, it's the fanon ships - all the fandom's favorite pairings, including ones that may potentially become canon. From Sterek to Allydia to Mama McCall/Papa Stilinski, we discuss not only our favorite moments between those characters and why the ship could work, but also our fantasies for them - like a Skittles bonding road trip. - Which ship would both Karen and Natalie die on a hill for? - We have a little discus