Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #85 - Christmas 2.0



For those who missed it, it's the audio version of the 2nd Annual Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast Christmas Party livestream! ***WARNING*** Episode was recorded on a livestream and audio levels fluctuate - if listening with headphones use caution! - All five members of NATWP signed on to laugh, cry and argue about our massive year. - Everyone's got a hat. Except Karen. - We go round the group talking about our best Teen Wolf-related memories of 2014 and our best convention experiences. - We did some pretty cool stuff and met a lot of cool people! - Shout-out to BiteCon, Howler Con, Wolfsbane, Creatures of the Night and IndyPopCon - Remember when Karen went up against Jeff Davis in Teen Wolf trivia at SDCC? - Remember when Brook got a Teen Wolf character named after her? - Remember when we visited the set? - Our livestream is crashed by one of our best behind-the-scenes pals - writer Alyssa Clark! - Alyssa shares some Teen Wolf memories and drops some knowledge about various scenes. Did you know that she k