Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #77 - Weresalamander



Karen and Donya discuss Teen Wolf season 4, episode 9 "Perishable," and we also bring you an exclusive interview with this week's hero of the hour, Ryan Kelley. Featured Song: "Paris" by Magic Man - Donya's filling in for Natalie on the recap this week - she's pre-coffee and prepared to fangirl. - In our quotes section, there's lots of discussion about where Mason fits in all of this - he's not on the chessboard! - This week's cold open was pretty shocking. - Donya hated Haigh from the first moment he was mean to baby Derek. - Karen is complaining about Umbridge again. - Parrish survived that blaze - theories abound about what he is! - Even nice people have their breaking point - for some, it's being set on fire, we guess. - Did Derek's lack of power contribute to him not being able to identify Parrish. - Stiles spends way too much time in that hospital. - Donya wonders what kind of support cops who get injured on duty have, and, because she's not American, she's freaked out by the health care situatio