Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #74 - Forever Children



Karen makes her triumphant return from SDCC for this week's discussion about Teen Wolf season 4 episode 6, "Orphaned." Featured Song: Coward by Hayden Calnin - "Karen went to Comic-con, everyone now hates her." - She tells us about some of her fun experiences, including press round tables, the new bestiary, and playing some Teen Wolf trivia games with Jeff Davis on The Hollywood Reporter's "Superfan vs Showrunner." - She also saw Dylan O'Brien's new movie The Maze Runner, no big deal. - Natalie doesn't have anything cool to bring to the table. She's sick. - There's a lot of Parrish in our quotes section, and we're probably kicking Brook off the podcast. - We have a bunch of Parrish theories, but we really fear a Haley Webb situation happening with him. - That broken toys line of Peter's - "There isn't really a reason for it, other than that he's a sociopath." - We're relieved no main characters got orphaned - the title had us worried. - Kate is on the Benefactor list, so why does she also have a Benefa