Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #69 - Slow Cooker



Ermerrgaaahhd it's time for the Teen Wolf season 4 premiere! Join Karen and Natalie as the celebrate they new season with a very extra-special guest! Featured Song: "Without Me" by Eminem - It's here! It's time! It's season 4! - Hey, did you notice our new intro voice? Because we have a surprise for you... - But before that, let's recap the episode. - Oh, fave quotes section. How we have missed you. - Guess what? We still love to laugh at Derek. - The cinematography in this episode is pretty special. - Natalie accidentally goes on a rant about Stydia haters. Oops. - What's the deal with the Japanese mafia money? - Teen Wolf sure does love its rave scenes. Should there be more rave scenes? Someone thinks there should. - How did we feel about the intro scenes of the new pack? - We attempt to deal with and rationalise the things Malia Knows, and the things she Does Not Know. - Scott's introduction in season 4 is so freaking cool. - The Dark Moon is a time for grief. - Derek and Malia are cousins! We hadn'