Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #55 - Fly-Cougher-Upper



Karen and Natalie are joined by Hypable staffer and mental health professional Jen to recap Teen Wolf season 3, episode 20 "Echo House." Featured Song: "Shout" by Ida Redig - Jen and Karen are both victims of the polar vortex. - Melissa's tweet about Jeff hiding something in plain sight has us second-guessing everything. EVERYTHING. - Our fave quotes are a mixed bag, from existential to humorous. - Right from the start, this episode seems strange. Nothing makes sense and events aren't really explained. Nothing about Eichen House seems believable as a mental facility in modern times. - Could this be because it's all a dream or projection of Stiles's mind? - We didn't realise Chris and Deaton had been working together! Also, do we buy that Allison had that brainwave about the scroll? - We meet two new characters in Eichen House - Oliver and Meredith. Both could have significant future stories on Teen Wolf. - We also re-meet some familiar faces - Ms Morell and Malia Tate. Why is Malia institutionalized, e