Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #54 - Dessert or Main Meal?



Karen and Natalie are joined by Hypable staffer Kristen to recap the action-packed Teen Wolf season 3, episode 19 "Letharia Vulpina." Featured Song: "Apple Pie" by Cameron The Public - This week we're joined by Kristen, who covers The Vampire Diaries here on Hypable! - We're all relieved that this episode didn't leave us feeling done in like "Riddled" did. - The quotes section makes a return - we discuss Melissa and found family, Peter not being the high school drama teacher (so close!) and how much we are all obsessed with our new baby, Deputy Parrish. - Deaton is in Japan. We all thought it was the cliff above Beacon Hills. Was this entire scenario too convoluted? Also, like, really dark? - If he snuck in there twelve hours ago to paralyze Yuki the wolf, why couldn't he have snuck in to steal the moss? You know what, never mind... - We agree that some of this episode was B-movie levels of stilted, which is something we don't usually even notice. - Kira was pretty badass with that cable though. - The