Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #43 - Bite-Sized: Laura Webb Interview



In this Bite-Sized episode, Karen interviews the music supervisor for Teen Wolf, Laura Webb! Featured Song: "Feel Real" by Deptford Goth -What exactly does a music supervisor do? -Who does Laura work most closely with? -What's the process for getting a song into the show? -Laura talks about how much music she listens to every day. -What happens when personal taste conflicts with a show's needs? -Laura gives us some tips for finding new music. -Who does she think is the "next big thing"? -How does Teen Wolf keep their music selection under budget? -Trivia time! Who would Laura say is on the main trio's iPods? -We tell Laura about the fanmixes that can be found on -Make sure you follow Laura on Twitter so you can get great music recommendations! Hit the comments to give us feedback and suggestions for the show! And as always, please follow us or hit us up: Twitter: @NATWPodcast Tumblr: notanotherteenwolfpodcast Email: If there are any issues downloading