Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

What Is Your Greatest Fear? | Church 6/11/23



Everyone's greatest fear is to let feelings and false identities go. Let yourself fall. God will catch you. Christ healed the possessed. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, June 11, 2023 TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-church small talk* 0:02:33 Dead bury the dead? How the cow ate the cabbage* 0:08:34 BQ: What is your greatest fear? * 0:09:08 (Everybody has this fear)* 0:11:15 I can't think my mother's in Hell!* 0:13:22 (All entertainers go to Heaven?)* 0:21:50 (Do you want ice water in Hell?)* 0:22:53 (What if we don't come to you funeral?)* 0:24:29 (Being an incredibly selfish person, like mother)* 0:26:51 Mother: Fear going to Hell. Overcome while you live.* 0:31:11 (Daughter speaks…) * 0:33:12 (How old are you, not gonna-be? — funny)* 0:33:39 Spiders: Afraid of small things overwhelming you* 0:36:31 Hake: Dealing with people* 0:38:16 Nick (Anchor Baby): being exposed* 0:39:23 Franky: I'm lacking love* 0:44:02 I want to be remembered* 0:48:20 JLP on BQ: Nick is right. * 0:52:37 (JLP: False identities)* 0:53:5