Liquid Church

How To Manage Your Anger | Been There Part 3



Be honest, has your anger ever got the best of you? For the majority of men, this can be a struggle. You know that you have to work to tame your temper. So, how do you manage your anger in a Godly way? Because anger is one of the most common emotions and one of the most misunderstood. There’s a right way and a wrong way to express anger.  One is helpful, one is harmful. Typically, men have one of two stances. When angry, they either become a maniac or a mute. In other words, they blow up or they clam up! Here’s the good news: God’s word outlines 5 steps to tame your temper for good.  #1) Resolve to manage it. Stop making excuses for your anger and acknowledge that anger is actually a choice!   #2) Remember the cost. There’s always a price tag to anger.  You can get people to do almost anything by scaring them.  But the long-term effects are devastating. #3) Reflect before reacting. In other words, you think before you speak. If you’re gonna tame your temper, men, you’ve got to watch your words. #4) Release it