Youth Worker On Fire Podcast

155 Mary Lomma - Next Level Volunteer - Nurse, Parent, & Youth Ministry Staffer



Mary Lomma was one of my student ministry volunteers (Associate Staff as I called them) working with our middle school girls. Mary is one of those volunteers you hope and pray for! She took everything she learned and never stopped telling people about Jesus Christ. Recently, Mary texted me a link to the story written below… ___________________________________   "STORY TELLER - MARCH 2023 ISSUE" When I was about 45 years old I felt like there was “more” I could do. Our oldest daughter Tina was just married. Tamarah was in high school and Nicholas had begun kindergarten. First time in over 25 years I wasn’t working or having a preschooler around my legs. So, I volunteered to help our youth pastor Doug Edwards with middle schoolers.  After all, both our girls had been delightful people in middle school, so I was experienced!  So I thought. All the middle school adult helpers were herded over to Daytona Beach for a week-end “discipleship training” class.  My first time at Stavro’s Pizza. The following Christmas b