Conversations With Cinthia

Letting Go



Inspired by a listener’s request, today Cinthia discussed how to let go, applying it to various kinds and levels of loss: the loss of something or someone to which we have become attached, someone or something we loved, something for which we hoped, something on which our hearts were set, something to which we so looked forward, something we enjoyed, etc.  How do we move forward when the object of our desire is gone?  The answer is the grief and loss process.  Cinthia begins with John 11:35 in which Jesus weeps at the death of His friend Lazarus.  He stops and takes time for this.  God understands the physical need for tears.  Dr. William of the St Paul-Ramsey Medical Center found that tear composition varies according to the cause of our tears.  Those that stem from emotion differ from irritant-based by containing more protein-based hormones, which are actually natural pain killers, so that emotionally-based tears actually help us heal and to feel better.  When we are willing to cry over the loss, we physica