Mythic Radio Podcast (paranormal, Talk)

330: That’s NOT A Deer... Chapter 1



Imagine, for a moment, that it’s early evening, the sun is about to set, and a warm breeze is drifting through the open windows of your car as you head home. The remaining sunlight gently blankets the surrounding fields that line the road. It’s a route that you’ve taken many times before, but on this particular evening, your usually peaceful drive is about to take a most unusual turn.Up ahead, to your right, you see a herd of deer grazing in a field. A few of the deer are fairly close to the road, so you slow down to get a better look, but as you approach, you notice something odd about one of them. There’s something about the way it looks or moves that puts you on edge, but you’re not sure exactly what it is. Peering through the passenger side windshield, you strain your eyes to get a better look as you draw closer, and this is when everything goes sideways.This deer turns and looks directly at you, but its eyes aren’t right. They look almost human. An immense feeling of dread washes over you, and you realiz