Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Giving Care… How They Did It



Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011. Today Lori La Bey is thankful for two lifelong friends who will courageously share their journeys of care, in hopes of helping others on the same path. Marta Spencer and Bonnie Linder, have been a Care Partners for relatives with Alzheimer's, Lewy Body and or Stroke induced Dementia. As with any dementia journey an hour isn’t enough time to tell the full story but we will do the best we can today answering questions not everyone feels comfortable discussing, but needs to be talked about. Contact Our Guests Bonnie Linder - Email - Marta Spencer - Email -                           - Instagram  - @Marta_Spencer Contact Lori La Beywith questions or branding needs and visit Alzheimer’s Speaks.Support this Show: for