Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

The Business & Life Edit | E114



Editing and evaluating your life is super powerful. It reinforces a firm foundation when you take time out to evaluate where you’ve been and then decide if that is where you truly want to be and the pursuit you wish to continue. After all, what good is it to continue to build on top of something that isn’t what you really want and/or isn’t serving you well? To this end, years ago I began doing the visionary business & life edit for myself. It is an intense yet refreshing and invigorating deep dive into where I’ve been and where I’m going. As the edit unfolds, it probes into those things that are being avoided or not dealt with, and even into those things that aren’t being as savored and celebrated as they should. I invite you to join me both through this podcast and, potentially, in person for your business & life edit. “The win is in the way… How I achieve what I want is actually the win. It’s not what I want, because that target moves.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Everything is a once Yes Yes