Highlights The Malliard Report

Unveiling the Life of a Pastor: Deconstruction, Authenticity, and the Impact of Technology with David Hayward



I remember the days when I was deep in what went on behind the scenes in the church. That's when I discovered David Hayward, aka The Naked Pastor, who began blogging about the real life of a pastor in 2004. In this riveting conversation, David shares his journey to full-time blogging and how he's been able to reach a global audience, with his most popular city being Sao Paulo, Brazil! We dive into the concept of deconstruction, its recent rise in popularity, and how David found freedom in his authenticity while helping others on their unique journeys. Together, we explore the tension between progressive Christianity and deconstruction, focusing on the impact of David's cartoons challenging purity culture and orthodox theology. We discuss the effect of deconstruction on the Big C Church and its need to create space for people experiencing significant transformation and asking serious questions. Moreover, we delve into the consequences of leaving the ministry and embracing the idea of living free, sharing our