Fare Of The Free Child

Ep. 99: Fight, Flight and Trust in Unschooling



Jennifer "Astarte Rising" Lane is the mother of two grown unschoolers. She, along with the wisdom of Itiel McVay, another long-time unschooling mama, are our guides for this episode. Itiel (purveyor of amazing self-care body-and-soul resources over at smellgoodspa.com) reads our second-to-last letter of support for the season, and it deals with fight or flight reactions in parenting. Astarte's interview is also rooted in the "fight" aspect of pushing past societal pressure to reduce our children to students inside a harmful system. She moved from Texas to California, began homeschooling, transitioned into unschooling, and has learned so much about courage, learning, and the power of a well-cared-for human spirit along the way. You will hear the realities of fear-based choices navigated with strength and self-trust. You will hear encouragement and reminders that can help you strengthen your own capacity to trust learning, to trust children, and to trust yourself. Support the showDig th