Lost Arts Radio

Lost Arts Radio Show #417 - Special Guest Dr. Brent Davis



Ninety years ago, doctors had a lot more freedom to pursue the healing arts, guided by their own insights, real-life experience, conscience, the golden rule, and the once-respected Hippocratic principle, "Do No Harm." One medical doctor practicing at that time in England was Edward Bach, MD. Bach was also a practitioner of homeopathy, which is essentially a form of energy medicine. Instead of drugs, remedies in homeopathy are diluted to the point of having practically no physical ingredients remaining. Only the "energetic imprint" of the active ingredient remains, and becomes the medicine. But Dr. Bach went a step beyond the energetic medicine of homeopathy. He found that certain flowers possessed powerful healing properties, especially for healing of deep emotional issues that affect all aspects of physical health. He immersed the cut flowers in water, and then used that water to transmit the healing energy to his patients. He didn't know at that time that the healing powers of those flowers could be transm