Liquid Church

How Do You Handle Grief? | Been There Part 4



What loss or death are you mourning? The truth is, all of life is loss. Some of us have lost dreams - of marriage, children or a career. Every time you change jobs, or move to a new place, it’s a loss. And then some of us have experienced catastrophic loss. A spouse has an affair. You lose your job after 25 years. You struggle with infertility. A family member dies. How do you handle your grief? When you go through a tough time, God doesn’t want you to suppress your grief. He doesn’t want you to repress it either. He wants you to express it to friends and confess it to Him. That’s how you start your path to healing! You have a God who CARES for you! Even when you can’t see it, God is working for your good. Let us encourage you to have an “even now” kind of faith, where even in the bad times you hold onto hope and you hold onto faith. Jesus doesn’t promise us a life free from pain. And he doesn’t always do what we want when we want it. But, God loves you even when He is late! And when you believe in Jesus, the