Elder Law Report

Elder Law Report 057: Make Unselfish Resolutions. Take Action...



New Year's 2016 - Episode: Hayden and Greg discuss New Year's resolutions and how they should be unselfish and acted upon.Top 5 Most Commonly Broken Resolutions:•Lose Weight and Get Fit•Quit Smoking•Learn Something New•Eat Healthier and Diet•Get Out of Debt and Save MoneyWe wish you the best New Year and hope that you set resolutions and keep them but how many times do we fail to do so? Resolutions Mean Nothing Without Action… Actions Speak Louder than Words. Take Action!We at McIntyre Elder Law recommend making a resolution to gain ‪#‎PeaceOfMind‬‬ in the New Year by getting your "House" in order! Not following through with common resolutions is one thing but not following through with protecting your hard earned money and property is another. Too many times we put off this type of legal planning. Not following through with a resolution to put in place protective legal documents can result in not being able to pass money and your house to your loved ones. We can help!Worthwhile resolution