Guerrilla Social Work Podcast

Are All Men Pedophiles?



Today we're diving headfirst into a topic that'll make you question everything you thought you knew. We're talking about the controversial documentary "Are All Men Pedophiles" by Jan-Willem Breure. This film takes us on a wild ride through the twisted maze of pedophilia hysteria. Strap in and buckle up! Now, we've got some burning questions to tackle. How did society arrive at this mind-boggling conclusion that all men are potential pedophiles? And what on earth are the political and social consequences of this madness? It's a real head-scratcher. Are men becoming the new victims of modern sexism, or is this surge in sexism somehow justified? We're about to break it down for you. Get ready for some heated discussions, explosive revelations, and a dash of our signature sarcastic humor. But remember, folks, we're here to examine the issues, not pass judgment. Let's keep it real. So join us as we dissect this documentary, share our insights, and maybe even poke a little fun at some absurdities along the way. So