Nature Podcast

Why bladder cancer cells that shed their Y chromosome become more aggressive



In this episode:00:45 Why losing the Y chromosome makes bladder cancer more aggressiveLoss of the Y chromosome in bladder cancer cells is associated with increased severity of disease, but the reasons behind this have been unclear. Now researchers show that the loss of this chromosome helps tumour cells evade the immune system. However, this mechanism also makes the cells more vulnerable to certain chemotherapy treatments, and the researchers hope their findings could help improve outcomes for patients in the future.Research article: Abdel-Hafiz et al.07:30 Research HighlightsHow pollution particles ferry influenza virus deep into the lungs, and why artificial lights could dazzle glow worms into extinction.Research Highlight: Flu virus hitches a ride with haze particles deep into the lungResearch Highlight: Glow-worms’ ‘come-hither’ signals are lost in the glare of human lights10:10 Engineering synthetic cartilageThe cartilage in our joints is able to withstand and dissipate a lifetime of impacts, protecting