Teza Zialcita's Soul Healing

Neutralizing thoughts reclaims the soul



You are energy in physical form made up of divine mind, divine heart and divine soul. Within this divine line, your essence is connected to the light of the universe and more importantly, your soul essence connected to Source. Part of earth life is to create in love, joy and ease. Your negative thoughts show you that you have taken a wrong turn. It is showing you to detour back to the aspects of your heart, soul and mind that knows it’s wholeness and healed state. That state can be reached through meditation; a tool for you to connect to that aspect that feels “empty” . Another tool is to write down your thoughts down and one by one, neutralize it by flipping it to either positive or neutral. Doing so will also retrain your brain cells much like what is said by psychologists regarding cognitive behavioural therapy. More importantly, as you shift the thoughts, you reclaim your mind, your language, your voice and you get back your light power. Then you are able to centre back down in your heart and body. The t