Dungeonpunx Podcast

Dungeonpunxxx Presents Middle Earth Crisis Episode 29 featuring Chorley FM



"And once again we get attached And think we've found the answer Here we go again....Here we go again!" Chune that one innit! the lads are back chatting shit about painting, buzzing about panel lines and gaming in 2023...and obvs moaning about the heat in true northern style. it also sounds like Paulo is in that shop at the start of Shaun of the Dead for some reason too. Shout out to Brendan as always. this weeks band is Lungfish https://open.spotify.com/artist/2aeccL0hsJAfsP56dRdrBI this weeks Wildings Wildling is Bretonian Army Painter on insta https://www.instagram.com/p/CtsOa4VNeMm/?igshid=MTBlZjE4YzMxOA%3D%3D