Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager

Finding Hope in the Shadows of Loss with Denny Meek



Today’s show includes mention of suicide and other issues that may be triggering. If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out for help. You can call or text 988 to be connected to the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in the US. In Canada, call 833-456-4566 any time. In the face of indescribable loss, how can we find a way … day by day … to keep going? Denny Meek is my guest today. She wants to share openly about the challenges she’s gone through so that the shame, secrecy, and silence society puts around grieving (especially bereavement from suicide) and can instead find inspiration in what the human spirit is capable of. “If impossible experiences can be endured, they can bring untold personal growth,” she says. --------- Denny Meek is an author, speaker, and a fighter. Her book, Still Standing: A Mother’s Raw Journey from the Shadows of Loss to the Dawning of Hope, is a memoir that raises awareness domestic violence, infant loss, anorexia nervosa, teen suicide, and grief. The book is being used