Motorcycle Men

Episode 26 - Didn't we do this already?



Hello boys and girls, it's the Motorcycle Men once again and again... the Episode redo is ready for your ears, so fire it up.Hey, go to Road ID and get yourself noticed.  Get your personal Road ID so that people know who you are if they need to.  I where one when I ride and I suggest you do to.Also go to and get yourself a free audiobook download and a 30 day trial membership.After explaining the big error on my part (I neglected to clear out the SD card and it filled up while we were recording the episode last week and stopped recording 20 minutes into our episode).... we moved onto talking about >Firstgear< and the great service they gave when they sent me a new suit for my damaged Thermo-Suit.  They also sent along some TPG gloves for us to check out and they are freaking awesome!!!  Love the Thermo suit and if you want to ride in cold weather like I currently do, you'll get one.I fixed my squeak and now I am riding without my signature sound... I may have to come up with someth