Starve The Doubts

Tania Dakka - Garage Party(@taniadakka & @amanthat)



TANIA DAKKA Jared Easley together with co-host Amantha Tsaros from interviewed the guest of the day, Tania Dakka! Tania is the mastermind behind What Tania does is make customers fall in love with your business. Tania has great skills with advance web copy. Her unique perspective turns visitors to client websites. Tania is also a writer and contributor to Chris Brogan Owner Magazine. Tania is also one of the most generous and giving person Jared has ever met online. Surely, Tania is someone you wouldn’t want to miss out following! In this episode, you’ll learn about: • Tania talked about her passion in motorcycling • Using “YOU” instead of “I” in copy writing – “It’s always about the reader” • The best way to rock your addictions • How to direct the eyes of the readers in your website • The least sexy thing a person can put on a website • How Tania started her writing career • Tania’s advice for people who wants to pursue a job in writing –“Keep practicing. Go for it!