Fare Of The Free Child

Ep 165: Social Distancing, Community Style



We’ve got three important invitations for you:Deschooling Release Party :: This year's theme is The PivotTwo Locations:Right here on FOFC Podcast and inside FOFC FB Group for post-episode conversations.I'll drop the dates on social media and share them with you here when I confirm them, but we're definitely starting this month, April, 2020, so stay tuned.      2.  A Request for Your “Noticing “Stories Join me in amplifying stories of the wonderful or insightful things you may be noticing now that your child is at home more often. I am curating a collection of stories about how, during these days of unexpected, and for some, undesired, school at home situations, some parents or caregivers are noticing little WONDERFUL WAYS that learning is happening, joy is happening, fear is subsiding, in relation to their child. I want to hear your moments:- leave me a voice memo on raisingfreepeople.com- email me: she@akilahsrichards.com- message me in our Facebook group or on Instagram (@fareofthefreechild)