Slumberland | An Audio Drama

107 - Lorem Lighthouse



On the island town of Slumberland, a tower built from yellow bricks has stood for over a century. This structure is known as the "Lorem Lighthouse." A student named Elaina McElian just finished her research report about the lighthouse, and she's excited for you to hear it. For more info click here Elaina McElian performed by Alex Nursall, a director, writer, illustrator, and chronically sleepy person based out of Toronto. She is the co-creator/writer, director, and voice of Judith on the award-winning horror podcast Parkdale Haunt (, and is also the voice of Mairi on the D&D Actual Play podcast Dice Shame ( She is a commercial voice and casting director in her day-to-day life, and in her off time enjoys watching F1, hiking, and trying every interesting baked good Toronto has to offer. Music by Blue Dot Sessions The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: juskiddink, ianoboe, chocchi, kyster, avakas, webbfilmsuk, zoltoks, m