Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

Did You Know You Are Your Own World? | Church 7/2/23



You are your own world. Everyone's out for themselves, egos fighting egos. Stop arguing. Don't let the Devil bluff or bully you. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, July 2, 2023 — Some people had a life! Affirmative Action ended. Now people have to earn their way. That's best. JLP tells a story of people selfishly fighting. All human beings are in hell, possessed, trying to get something. The ego must die. Stay with it. Don't give up.  //  Face fear. One man comes on-stage, after his friend refuses. God does not need our help. We have no burdens to carry, and no one to blame.  //  Let go of titles and labels; they're only a basis for fighting illusions.  //  Biblical Question: What are you committed to? A woman wonders: Who am I? What now? Where do I go from here? JLP doesn't know if he's committed to anything anymore.  //  New Biblical Q: Why do so many people commit suicide?  //  TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-church announcements, small talk* 0:02:26 Welcome! Happy WHM! Anybody had a life?* 0:03:39 Doug goes