
The Pentagon's Secret Gaggle of Gays



Even after "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was repealed, the military wasn't an easy place to be out. — Audrey Quinn, a WNYC health reporter, reported and produced this story. Special thanks to Alex Wagner, Tarak Shah, Todd Breasseale, and Sue Fulton. Episode scoring by Jeremy Bloom and Isaac Jones with additional music by Andy G. Cohen ("A Perceptible Shift"), Kevin MacLeod ("Dances and Dames," "Faster Does It," and "I Knew a Guy"), Anamorphic Orchestra ("Creature Comforts" and "Taking Dark Matter Lightly"), the U.S. Army Band ("To The Color"), and the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps ("Soldier's Farewell"). Theme by Alexander Overington.