Town Hall Seattle Arts & Culture Series

235. James Comey with Steve Scher: A Crime Novel from the Former FBI Director



  If you’ve kept up with current affairs or politics over the past decade, James Comey is likely a familiar name. Between 2013 and 2017, Comey served as the seventh director of the FBI and has been at the center of headlines about the Clinton email controversy, the Russian interference hearing, and his dismissal by former president Trump. Yet before the headlines and prior to his time with the FBI, James Comey had already led a uniquely extensive career, holding positions as a prosecutor, defense lawyer, general counsel, teacher, and author. Now Comey is entering the world of literary fiction with the release of his debut crime novel, Central Park West. Drawing on his career in Federal Law Enforcement as well as his time prosecuting members of the mob, Comey grounds his narrative in a level of realism that can only be achieved through insider knowledge and lived experience. The story begins as a multi-year case against a powerful mobster finally cracks and an unimpeachable witness takes the stand. But just