Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPEver Episode 471 - Looking Out For Number One



On this week's episode of The Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER!: Hey, we just got done talking about two cons that we were just at, but we already have another con coming up in just a month. Come find John and Jerry at Fountain City Comic Con in early August in New Century, KS. We will be helping out with some panels, including a live WCPEver podcast panel which should include Cullen joining in on the big screen.  We chime in with our latest thoughts about recent episodes of Secret Invasion and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds that are streaming this summer. We take a look at the upcoming September releases from DC and Marvel. Got to tell you, if you like to pick up #1 issues, you should probably find a part-time job now.   As always, we have our Pick 3 choices sponsored by our friends at Clint's Comics.  We would love to hear your comments on the show. Let us know what you’ve been reading or watching this week. Contact us on our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or by email. We want to hear from you! As alway