Amazing Fba

The power of Context in Marketing – my £20 pair of gloves



Hey there. It's Michael from amazing FBA welcome to mindset moments, a little bite-sized chunks of thoughts and hopefully wisdom about business and life from my wanderings around London, and other parts of Europe. Folks, I'm out again, looking at my most glamorous wearing my fetching Sam Brown belt. I've been out cycling around London as is my wont today. I just wanted to catch another instance of me, observing myself as a consumer, if you like, with my marketing head on. I always find that fascinating. I've just been into a place called the cycle Republic, which if you look at it, it's just full of, as you'd expect beautiful expensive bikes Brompton, which is, you know, very famous engineering quality, very expensive. what it is, it's going to be over a thousand pounds worth. There's helmets, there's accessories. So, also, I want to think about a few different things. First of all, the consumer need. They say, sell to people with a bleeding neck. So, in other words, when somebody's seriously, in pain, they