Motorcycle Men

Episode 100 - 100th Show with Fans and Friends



Hello boys and girls, First of all, thanks to you all for helping us reach this small milestone. Your support, loyalty and friendship has made it all worthwhile and will for many years to come.  Thank you to our sponsors, friends, fellow podcasters and families for being there and supporting us while we do this crazy thing. Don't forget, 50% of all donations and contributions go to VetRest to help our veterans. Helping the podcast, helps the vets. We talked about: MPC2017 Tips for the Commuter Shark Motorcycle Audio System Giveaway Ciro3D Woody is ALIVE!!! Those of you having trouble downloading the show from iTunes are directed to contact iTunes support and they will help you with that. 800-275-2273 The Stitcher issue is being taken care of, be patient. Thank you for listening Ted (Wrongway), Tim (Buktu), Chris (Joker) Support the show