Crawley Community Church

Metamorphosis - the Love episode



This week Ken unpacks for us the biblical view of love. As a foundation, he does an amazing overview of Metamorphosis PAST: We have been transformed 2 Cor 5:17, PRESENT: We are being transformed Romans 12:2 FUTURE: We will be transformed Phil 3:21 He speaks into the modern paradox of how technology has made us more connected but often more lonely. Our need to be loved is a primary requirement for mental and emotional health. He questions the world's view on what's lovable, which is often shallow and about wealth and physical attractiveness - when we lose our physical attractiveness, are we then unlovable? He used Romans 5:7-8 to explain God says we are worthy of his love. And he talks about how we can learn to Agape love - unconditionally love others and how this love is transformational.