Sawmill Business Podcast

Justin Mitchell: JAMCo Woodworks



Justin Mitchell: JAMCo Woodworks “The big part of working with us is this personal branding strategy. And because I believe that whether Justin decides to do a solo business or whether he wants to do anything else, he's always going to have this community. And he's got these tools and skills to continue growing.”  - Steve Larosiliere Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today, your host Steve Larosiliere is joined by Justin Mitchell from JamCo Woodworks, one of Steve's clients in his mentorship program. Justin has 20 years of experience in the construction industry. Justin had to transition into a different industry for a period because he couldn't survive the 2008 crisis. After that, Justin realized he was a terrible employee and needed to work for himself. He so launched his construction business, and they were building custom homes with up to 13 employees. They also had specific difficulties through Covid, whether related to their personnel or more general problems with the