Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

When Blacks Discriminate Against Blacks | Archive 7/13/14



A man got burned by blacks he sought to help. "Never again!" Thoughts? Through patient endurance you win your soul. Archive Sunday Service, July 13, 2014: Jesse Lee Peterson recounts visiting Alabama over the Fourth of July weekend, for a school reunion. A couple people picked fights with him over his views. One young entrepreneur told Jesse he set out to help black people with his business, but stopped after some nasty accusations from people he helped. Some of the men and women in church react to the "stereotype" the young businessman embraced toward his own race. A hard-working young black woman in the meeting says she deals with people seemingly mistaking her for the secretary.  //  Finally we read from Luke 21: 19, which states that through patient endurance possess ye your souls. Wait and see in life and challenges. Let go of knowledge, of thinking you know or assuming you understand.  //  Question for next week: Should we fear God?  //  TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-service intro* 0:00:28 Welcome: Exploring