Amazing Fba

A Zen Story for Entrepreneurs



Hey there. It's Michael from amazing FBA welcome to mindset moments, a little bite-sized chunks of thoughts and hopefully wisdom about business and life from my wanderings around London, and other parts of Europe. Hey there folks, you find me today in green and sunny Broxbourne, which is in Hertfordshire, in England, just northeast of London. And this tranquil surroundings made me think of something I wanted to share with you, which is a Zen story, a koan, as it's called, K O A N. I'm not a practitioner of Zen or something, but I'm, I'm a big, big fan of the thinking. and philosophy and a whole way of life really that's put forth by a lot of Zen practitioners. So anyway, here's the story. There was a Zen master once called Anshin, probably I'm guessing from the name in Japan, doesn't matter really. Anshin had a student he wanted to teach a lesson to in this female student was sitting there in hut one day and Anshin said to her, okay, I'm going to put a box in my hand. And he put a box in his hand. And I wa