Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green

Good News from All Fronts - on Good News Friday



Today we’ll be working through David and Tim’s stack of good news articles. High school Christian football teams, after being told they couldn’t pray, get their prayer back after a new law in Florida has been passed, opening prayer back up. Courts rule that the Satanic temple is not to be considered a religion. A federal judge rules that the Biden administration cannot work with big media to censor viewpoints. Backlash continues against Target for their transgenderism policies. Trump promotes conservative principles and policies surrounding the possibility of a second presidency. US Citizenship and Immigration Services plans to make the criteria for immigration stricter as it pertains to English proficiency. Ben and Jerry’s gets further push back for their comment saying that US land was stolen from Native Americans. All of this and more, today on Good News Friday!Support the show